
A delightful Saturday morning in my small little part of the world.
Yesterday it came to my attention that once again I have one foot out the door.  Not on my marriage, not on my family, but rather on this place in this country that I choose to live.  I love it here.  I want  to be here.  Why does my mind default to leaving always?  Digging deeper - why do I feel like an outsider in a part of the world I have lived for 13 years and never felt like an outsider in before?  Did I talk this much about moving when I lived in the neighboring city?  I know that every time I've gone home or to my college town to visit, I have left with a feeling of wanting to be there. Needing to be there - but why?  At this point, isn't there more I would miss from here?  Is my constant wanting to leave depression? selfish? attention seeking?  If this is where I want to be, then why is it so hard for me to just get on board?

My next big adventure seems like a simple one.  It doesn't involve moving or traveling, but rather switching jobs for the fourth time since we've been back from Northern Ireland (5 years this summer).  The difference is that I am taking a job I didn't need or necessarily want from the beginning.  I am taking a job that courted me and then made me fall in love with it.  It wasn't until I accepted the job that I suddenly realized how discontent I have been as a teacher in the town I live and love in.  How do people do that?  I'm still not sure.  So now I am counting down the days and dreaming of the moment when I will no longer be their teacher - when I can be a mother who is raising sons with progressive minds in this conservative little town that I adore despite myself.  When I can be an activist in this revolution that loves her neighbors hard. When I can go back to being myself in full view.

I chose to live here.  It is my husband's hometown and he was resistant.  He didn't necessarily want to come back here, although he didn't put up the fight I expected when I proposed it.  When I rise above the everyday and look at the overall substance of our lives, this is exactly what I pictured.  This is exactly what I wanted.  This is homebase.  This is our postal address, but also our home. Why is there a part of me that feels disloyal saying all that?  What part of myself can't let go of leaving?  Isn't choosing to stay in and of itself an adventure?


  1. My son was diagnosed with a rare form absence status epilepsy. His seizures show no symptoms until the seizure has lasted for hours! The only warning we had was he started acting only tired at first then gradually he started acting confused and from there for 24 hours he didn't know what year it was, where he went to school, or even what grade he was in etc. his motors skills were perfect and he talked to everyone normal the entire time, he just couldn't answer certain questions. The hospital kept him overnight and gave him fluids and in 24 hours he slowly started remembering and they said he was good and sent us home. We know now that he was having a constant seizure the ENTIRE TIME of his confusion! Almost 3 months later he begins having the same symptoms when I woke him up for his 2nd day of school. we are sent for an EEG, which revealed at 10 am he was actually having what the neurologist referred to as the worst EEG he had seen) we then were sent to a different children's hospital where they observed him until 8:00pm, all this time my son passes every test, he is talking and his motor skills are completely normal! They finally begin his EEG around 9:00pm. It reveals he is still in seizure! They are blown away. Say they have never seen an absence case like his and they quickly gave him a big dose of adavan which immediately stops the seizure and he is able to regain his memory immediately. Does anyone have a child who has these same symptoms? His neuro doctor ordered a brain glucose test, but when we went for a follow up last week they said the test had been canceled and they had no idea what happened? When I asked if they were going to draw his blood and re do the test, they said that his medicine was controlling the seizures so far so they didn't feel the need to do the test! I need advice and some direction. I searched further; visited epilepsy websites, blogs. I find info about someone having the same symptoms. I was really determined. Fortunately for me, I stumbled on a testimony of someone who had epilepsy for several years and was cured through herbal medication. I read awesome stories of people whose condition were worse . But due to numerous testimonies. I was more than willing to try it. I contacted the doctor Gabriel, and my son used the Nectar herbs. It became a miracle for my son free from rare form absence status epilepsy within 3 months. The Nectar medicine worked without any trace of side effects on my son. totally cure. I decided to share my son story to tell people out there, that there is a hope for those with epilepsy using nectar medicine and anyone who suffers from seizures can be cured. Email


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